President's Message
When it’s your emergency, you deserve excellence in public safety, and the members of Sacramento Area Firefighters Local 522 work tirelessly to meet that expectation to keep you safe. Our residents, businesses, and visitors all deserve to have the proper number of well-equipped and well-trained firefighters in their communities, and we push every day to make sure that becomes and remains a reality.
Our association has had a rich history as a labor leader in Sacramento for the last 85 years, and we continue to make sure the public is served by the very best firefighters that California has to offer. Our focus remains on securing equitable and acceptable wages, benefits, and working conditions throughout Local 522. As we move forward, we're focusing on keeping our members and their families physically, financially, and emotionally secure while on the job and in retirement. This also involves honoring and protecting those that came before us and set the building blocks for future generations by establishing our association.
Protecting and serving our association’s members means that we need to have a seat at the table, and we’re doing just that. Our association will remain politically active and grow our power and influence throughout every region we serve. We will build relationships with those that reflect our values – the same values exhibited by our members every day. The strength of our association comes from the unity of the agencies we represent, and participation from every member is required to keep this organization running. We are truly stronger together.
On behalf of each member of Sacramento Area Firefighters Local 522, thank you for the support and opportunity to serve you. It’s truly an honor and privilege to serve as president of this great association.
Trevor Jamison
Sacramento Area Firefighters Local 522